Family, Lifestyle, Working Mommy

Working Mom Solo Day In The Life

As a working (outside the home) mom I love to see how others structure their day and “get it all done”. I feel like as moms whether you stay at home, work at home or work outside of the home, we are all working moms. What we do on a daily basis is hard work and I love to see how others do it and structure their day. I did a DITL last year in September which you can find here. I wanted to update it since things have definitely changed. The day I chose was within a week that wasn’t typical for us just because my husband was away. Everything fell on me when we normally split up the duties but I thought it would be interesting to share.

Working Mom DITL for Tuesday, October 15th.

5:30am: Alarm goes off, sit up and grab my phone.

5:35am: Peel myself out of bed, check the weather, head to the bathroom to take a shower

5:49am: Get dressed, do hair (today I straightened it so that takes about 25 minutes).

6:15am: Apply my makeup which consists of concealer, foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and tinted lip gloss. I am not into makeup and find the more I use, the more my skin hates me so I keep it simple.

6:23am: Get already pre-packed lunched completely packed and ready to go. Pack the girls snacks – goldfish and grapes with their water bottles.

6:30am: Head upstairs to wake the girls up. My oldest gets dressed by herself, my youngest needs a little assistance with her uniform. She’s working on doing it by herself.

6:40am: Start doing the girls hair – my youngest typically wants a side pony with a bow and my oldest wants a ponytail.

6:50am: We go downstairs and while I set out breakfast the girls take the dog out, feed the dog and cat and finish their morning chores.

7:05am: The girls and I are eating breakfast, I usually just grab a yogurt or a piece of fruit – they have cereal. Today I had a mixed fruit yogurt and the girls ate Honey Nut Cheerios. We chat at the dining room table while we eat and I check my planner and emails.

7:20am: The girls watch 10 minutes of a show while I clean the breakfast dishes and pack up my work bag.

7:30am: We are out the door to school. I drop them both off and they go running into the school.

7:40am: I head to work and arrive in 5 minutes.

8:00am-12:00pm: I am back to back with clients for the first 4 hours of the day.

1:00pm: I was recently promoted to Clinical supervisor and therefore have to attend monthly Service Directors meetings – today was one of those meetings.

1:40pm: Head back to my office, respond to voicemails, emails and the like. Working on trying to get everything done but get out on time. Haha.

2:00pm: Quitting time. I check in with my therapists before I leave in case they need anything. I leave early on Tuesdays and head over to pick up my girls.

2:20pm: The girls come out and we head home.

2:30pm: The girls are usually starving when they get home so they grab a snack – mini muffins and a juice box. They like a break before doing their homework so I let them decompress and watch tv. I snuggle next to them.

3:30pm: The girls do their chores including taking the dog out again, and get started on their homework and in between helping them, I begin making dinner which tonight is tacos.

5:00pm: We sit down and have dinner together. It is just the 3 of us because like I mentioned before my husband is away. My oldest tells me about her recorder that she is learning to play and my youngest asks me how to spell a million words. Haha.

5:40pm: I clean up the dishes and check all homework and sign any paperwork that needs to be signed. The girls requested to watch a Halloween movie so we watched Addams Family.

7:45pm: We head upstairs and the girls get their baths. After baths we brush teeth, read 2 books, say our prayers, call Daddy and they head to bed.

8:30pm: I pour myself a glass of wine (Cupcake Moscato) and let the dog out one last time for the night. I sit out there on our patio while he does his business.

8:45pm: I come inside and grab my phone, texting my husband and begin watching the next episode of NARCOS on Netflix. Don’t ask…but I’m addicted. I am also folding 2 loads of laundry.

10:45pm: I head upstairs to wash my face, brush my teeth and take out my contacts. I call my husband to say goodnight.

11:00pm: Lights out. I am exhausted.

So that was this past Tuesday. Every day is a little different because of the different things we have going on, but we make it work. Let me know if you like posts like this, if so I will do more. Leave a comment down below telling me about your day!

I hope you all have a fantastic week!



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