Family, Lifestyle, Working Mommy

Day In The Life – Spring Sports Edition

I always enjoy reading these kinds of posts from other bloggers that I follow, so I thought I’d share a little peek at what a typical day in the life looks like right now. I’ve done something like this before but life is a bit different now, so I figured I’d show you how things are working with an 11 & 9 year old. If you want to check out my last DITL post, you can check it out here.

This post is written about last Monday. This is a pretty typical Monday for me at the moment.

Day In The Life – Monday 4.10.23

6:30-7:00am I usually set an alarm for 630 but for some reason I was awake at 530. I used the extra hour to sit and drink some coffee and plan in my planner for a bit. Then I head in the bathroom to shower and get myself ready. At 7am my kids are up and getting themselves ready. They are older now and need little help from me. They pick out their own clothes, do their hygiene and hair all on their own. Unless they want a fancy hairstyle I am usually downstairs making lunches or breakfast. My husband works nights so he is still asleep.

7:30am: My kids are not huge breakfast fans, so they usually grab a banana and a granola bar and we head out to school. When I drop them off, I return home, tidy up a bit. I was hungry this morning so I made a quick fried egg on some toast and sat and ate it before my day gets started. Today I work through lunch so a good breakfast is a must.

8:00am: I cleaned my dish and pan and get myself ready to start the work day. My first client isn’t until 9am, but I check my email and answer some messages.

9:00am: My first client of the day – I am virtual for the day today.

10:00am: Another client, 55 minute session.

11:00am: I have supervision on the phone with a coworker trying to obtain her license. We review cases and treatment as well as go over paperwork.

12:00pm: Another virtual client, 55 minute session.

1:00pm: My last session of the day, 55 minutes.

2:00pm: I head out after my session is finished to pick up my kids. It’s either between myself and my husband, but today he is prepping dinner so I am picking them up.

2:30pm: My kids head upstairs to do their homework. I cut up some fruit, crackers and cheese slices for them to snack on. Whenever they come home from school they are usually starving. After I give them their snack, I sit down to work on some notes for the sessions I had today.

3:00pm: My husband has dinner prepped. We are eating early tonight because my daughters have practice until 8:00pm. I go over any homework my kids have and study with them after they are finished.

4:15pm: We sit down to eat as a family – my husband made burgers on the grill, salad, and baked beans. Any leftovers I wrap up and they can eat later after practice.

soccer practice

5:00pm: My youngest has practice for her travel team. I drop her off at practice. My husband will usually sit and watch outside and sometimes I do that or sit in my car working – depending on the weather. I did a combination of sitting in my air conditioned car reading emails and responding as well as watching a YouTube video.

6:30pm: My daughters practice is over and we head to my oldest daughters practice. The commute is about 15-20 minutes depending on traffic.

6:45pm: My oldest has her practice until 745pm. My youngest is eager to continue playing so she and my husband go to an adjacent field to kick around the ball. I am sitting watching my oldest for a bit (she hates it when we watch) and head over to watch my other daughter and husband goof around.

8:00pm: We’re home. The kids head upstairs to get ready to shower. My husband is hungry so he eats some leftovers and I choose to eat a hotdog. After showers my kids come downstairs and are starving so they eat some leftovers and they head off to bed.

9:15pm: I clean up and wipe down the kitchen, my husband sweeps the floor and we tidy the living room quickly. We let our dog out one last time and head upstairs to bed. We watch tv for a bit, and I am asleep usually pretty consistently by 1030/11pm. Depending on my husbands schedule he will either stay up or go to bed. He is off of work tonight so he went to bed relatively early – but I was definitely asleep before him haha.

Every day is different with different things going on at different times. Some days I’m in the office, Mondays and Fridays I am usually working from home most if not all of the day. Working in a private practice has given me a lot more freedom and time to spend at home with family and doing things I enjoy. On super busy nights when we are both working and away from home, I rely on my crockpot meals to make sure dinner is a breeze and avoid going through the drive through. I have a ton of awesome crockpot meals on my Pinterest page – definitely check them out.

What’s a day in your life like? Link any Day in the Life posts or tips and tricks for busy moms down below.

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9 thoughts on “Day In The Life – Spring Sports Edition”

  1. Love getting an inside look at people’s lives. That’s funny about your daughter not wanting you to watch – my sons both want us to be watching, even at practice. Fun read, thank you!

    1. She’s at a weird age where she doesn’t want her teammates to apparently know she has parents lol. Even though we know the whole team – ahh pre-teens. So fun. Lol thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love how relatable your day is. I also often wonder how much of the fruit other kids eat when they’re presented with options of fruit and other snacks. It can be a struggle with my older kid on that one! 😀

    1. Thanks! I’m not gonna lie sometimes it’s fruit – sometimes it’s a hot pocket, or even a sandwich. If I’m not home – it’s a free for all and the kids will grab whatever (like Takis) esp if it’s just my husband around, they get a lot by him lol. It depends on the day. On this particular day I needed to use up the fruit so that’s what they got. They love fruit, but it’s definitely not an every day thing, I wish it was. They get tired of things they eat on a daily basis. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I enjoy reading these type of posts too, I think I may write my own for next week. It sounds like you guys had a busy day, spending time with family is always a good day though. I wanted to play soccer when I was young but I have the cordination of a dead cow so it didn’t work out for me. Haha.

    1. Lol, if you do write one, let me know I’d love to read it. It’s def a busy season during spring and fall but my kids love it, they’ve been playing since they were 4 and 5. Your comment about the dead cow has me rolling, I am def with you on that one, I played but when it started to get competitive it was very clear I belonged at home in a book lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Its pleasure to read a detailed insights into your day. I would like to read about your excellent blogging experience. You should write something about how your blog and some useful tips for beginners. Cheers!

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