Mental Health

How I Cope with Anxiety

Your heart is racing, you’re sweating, you feel nauseous, have an upset stomach, your chest hurts and you feel like you’re going to die. That is what my anxiety feels like. Being anxious is something that everyone experiences to a degree at some point in their life. But having chronic anxiety or a panic attack… Continue reading How I Cope with Anxiety

Lifestyle, Mental Health, Working Mommy

Beating the Winter Blues

  For starters, I hope everyone had a great holiday if you celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S. For whatever reason this time of year is always hard for me. If the fact that I have been completely MIA from this blog for over three weeks is any indication of my struggle - I don't know… Continue reading Beating the Winter Blues

Family, Mental Health, Working Mommy

Understanding Depression

What is Depression & Who Does It Affect? One of the most common issues that I see as a therapist is depression in teens and young adults. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2.8 million adolescents between the age of 12-17 had at least one major depressive episode in 2014. That is… Continue reading Understanding Depression