Family, Lifestyle

February 2020 Goals & January Recap

Happy February & Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I know I am not the first person to say this but January was a lonnnggg month. I know I didn’t post any goals for January, but I am going to give you a quick recap and then start fresh for goals for February.

The Bad

Back in December we had a pipe burst in our basement which buckled our kitchen floor right before Christmas. It was a mess. Our floors got ripped up – we had workers and insurance adjusters in and out of our house. And our house was in shambles for over a month. Our kitchen was out of commission for a while because appliances and cabinets were everywhere. If you watched my Instagram stories you could see the machines they had working drying to floor. It was not a good time, but it is over with. We were able to pick out new flooring and it was installed last week. Our house has just gotten back to being “normal”.

The Good

Disney on Ice

One big highlight of January was going to Disney on Ice. We had VIP passes and got a meet and greet with Anna and Elsa. You can read about our experience here. We had a great time. It is definitely something I recommend doing if you have younger children.

Our girls sleeping on the new couches

Another highlight was buying new couches- they are an absolute dream. We purchased the Contempo Sectional from Bob’s Furniture and it has 3 recliners – it is life changing. If I never had to move off the couch, I would be a happy girl. I think based off of the picture, my girls think the same way. The color is a light gray which I was nervous about purchasing because… well pets and kids. The color instantly brightens up the living room and so far it has not been an issue with keeping them clean (fingers crossed).

The Struggle

Work wise it has been very busy. I took on the position of Assistant Clinical Supervisor at my full-time job a few months back and leapt right into a bunch of new responsibilities. It has been a struggle balancing my supervisor duties with my clinical time because I have a large (and still growing) caseload. Unfortunately I am working over my hours almost every day and I come home from work physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. This is not ok. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am hoping in the next few months things begin to change.

I am excited to begin a new month. I love February – my youngest turns 6 this month (not sure how that happened) and we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary. It is the month of love and kindness and this world could use a lot of both of those things. So with that being said, here are my goals for February.

February 2020 Goals

1. Have a date night and celebrate 10 years of marriage

2. Do 5 Random Acts of Kindness

3. Finish 5 chapters of Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

4. Have a date with each daughter

5. Practice self-care 5 times

6. Develop and implement a schedule for posting on MommyAboveAll

It’s a short month so I think 6 goals is manageable. I need to get better at being more mindful of my time and spend my time doing things that are meaningful and goal oriented. So I hope you all have an awesome month – let me know what goals you have set for yourself this month down below!

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