Lifestyle, Planning

And Then The Unthinkable Happened…

Camera Footage

So I woke up on Friday morning in the best mood. I woke up early, felt productive and was just overall in a happy mood. And then I went outside. My car door was ajar and my center console was pulled up. I immediately knew my car had been broken into. And stupid me had left the car door unlocked. Thankfully nothing major was taken, but the feeling of violation was overwhelming. I had my work bag in my car, and they took that, I’m guessing thinking that it was a purse. In it contained all of my planners. My budget planner and my Erin Condren as well as my bag of pens, a pair of Coach sunglasses, change, some papers and things I do for my school groups (luckily no client info was on them). My neighbor has cameras and we share a driveway so we were able to get footage of the 2 girls who came onto our property and opened our car. You can see the photo on the left of the footage of one of the girls taking my bag.

I am disappointed in myself for forgetting to lock my car (I really thought my husband had, but still). I am angry because 4 months of planning is now gone. Memories of things that I wrote down that we did for 4 months is gone and I know that means nothing to the thieves and will just end up in the trash somewhere. My planner will be replaced, I already have new ones coming in the mail – but the amount of time and effort I put into planning and decorating those past 4 months is gone and it’s just frustrating to me. I filed a police report and am hoping that these girls get caught. I posted the footage to a page in my area about local crime and it turns out that they have been doing this a lot- every night in different neighborhoods all around our city. So I am not the only individual who has been victimized and not the only person who has left their car door open.

The icing on the cake was when I turned to social media for support. I am a member of a planner group so I posted on there about what had happened and immediately got met with skepticism and nasty comments and memes – as if I had posted that message for a hand out or for people to send me free stuff. I posted on there to vent to my fellow planners who would know how devastating it is to lose/have a planner stolen or destroyed and you can’t get that work back. I was told to delete the post by my friends but I didn’t…..because I am not a liar. I did not post on there for any other reason than to just vent and get support from people I thought would understand. Now, there were a lot of people that did sympathize and support me which I was appreciative of. Some even did reach out and ask if I needed a planner, which I turned down gratefully. It was the idea that I was going through a rough time and people didn’t believe me and were saying things to me like “well you should lock your car” or “don’t leave things in your car of value and things like that won’t happen” or “wow they broke into your car and ONLY took your planners”. Like, really? Obviously I lock my car 99% of the time. It was the one time that I didn’t that this happened. It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that someone was on my property in the middle of the night and I had no clue. It’s the violation and the anger that they did what they did and nothing that they got is of any monetary significance to anyone but me. I was completely shocked by the responses of some people. I honestly was not expecting the amount of ignorance and disrespect I received.

So to make a long story short, I sit here on a Sunday unable to plan because I am waiting for my new planner in the mail. I got new stickers in the mail on Friday from an Etsy shop (Brandy’s Shop) – a couple of kits that I had bought a couple of weeks back and it was like a kick in the face because I can’t use them yet (see insert on right – how cute are the stickers, though?!) So, when you see me post about my new planner, don’t be confused. I had to buy a new one because of the situation. Usually I go all year with the same planner, not this time. But lesson learned and I’m moving on. So RIP old Erin Condren and when I set up the new one, I will post it. Hope everyone is having a better weekend than me!

Happy Sunday!




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