Family, Lifestyle, Planning, Working Mommy

25 Amazing Tips for Dinner on Crazy Busy Nights

If your family has a busy schedule like mine does, you need all the quick and easy family meal ideas that you can get! No matter what sports, after school activities or summer activities you have on your calendar, these 25 tips will keep you from heading to that drive thru!

As we move into the spring sports season many parents find that certain nights of the week are almost impossible for a nutritious family dinner. I don’t know about other families, but it seems almost every night we are the soccer fields. It’s easy during this busy time to rely on fast food and pizza. But let’s face it, that can get old, it’s unhealthy and can get expensive. Instead, with a little meal planning and some advanced preparation, I can get a meal on the table in mere minutes. Check out my tips and tricks for meal planning during these busy sports-filled months!

Making Dinner Happen

  1. Make a meal plan – if you fail to plan – you plan to fail. Check out the meal planner I made to use for planning meals on our busiest nights. You can download it or free at the end of this post.
  2. On Sunday – grill 8 chicken breasts, cut them up and store them in Ziploc baggies to use for quick salads, wraps, sandwiches, or quick quesadillas.
  3. Eat an early dinner. When the kids get home after school, instead of snacks, serve dinner. Then after activities, if they are hungry let them grab fruit, yogurt, cereal or cheese before bed.
  4. Take a warm dinner with you to practices or games using foil containers and a cooler.
  5. Cut up fruit and veggies ahead of time and store them in Ziploc bags in the fridge to take with you on the go.
  6. Bring your own snacks and drinks to games and practices. This will keep you away from the concession stand (where a Gatorade can run you $2.75).
  7. Throw frozen meatballs in the crockpot on low for a few hours before the game, then use for meatballs subs or a quick spaghetti dish.
  8. Buy a rotisserie chicken in advance and cut it up to use it for chicken quesadillas, tacos, salads or sandwiches. Or use it alone with a side and veggies!
  9. The day before a practice or game make a big meal that gives you leftovers you can use and just reheat for the night of the game. (Lasagna and stuffed shells are two of my favorites that hold up well for leftovers the next day).
  10. Make dinners perfect for on the go like walking tacos.
  11. The Crockpot is a game changer. Start cooking something in the morning, and you have a delicious meal before the game, or to take with you. Check out my Crockpot Pinterest Board here.
  12. Take calzones, pizza rolls or pizza slices with you on the go. I love making French bread pizza. It’s quick, portable and the kids love it. Pizza out of Texas toast is also a yummy option.
  13. Lay out all the ingredients for sub sandwiches and if they can have the kids make their own subs to take with them to the game.
  14. Make your family’s favorite casserole in advance and divide it using reusable containers to pack in a cooler.
  15. Use a pack of Hawaiian rolls and your favorite deli meat along with lettuce, tomato, cheese, bacon or shredded chicken or pulled pork for a quick and delicious sandwich.
  16. Take soups or chili in thermos bottles for a nice warm meal on a cool night.
  17. Nothing is quicker than pasta. Pasta with a little butter, garlic and parmesan cheese can be a quick save and delicious. Check out my grandmother’s recipe for Baked Spaghetti – a favorite in my family that works well as leftovers too.
  18. Make breakfast for dinner. Some scrambled eggs, toast, waffles, bacon or sausage and some fruit for a quick and yummy option.
  19. Make something that requires 3 ingredients or less. I love these recipes from CarrotsnCake. The healthy sweet potato hash and Chicken cacciatore are favs of mine.
  20. Make use of prepared food section at your grocery store. Grab a quiche for $7 at your local Wegmans – throw it in the oven for a delicious and healthy meal. Still cheaper than hitting up that drive-thru and it’s healthier.
  21. Make a quick tuna or chicken salad – throw it over a green salad and you have a quick meal especially on warm nights – no need for the oven!
  22. Make a pasta salad the night before – dish it out on the field or at home. Put ham, pepperoni, carrots, peppers, or whatever else you like for healthy protein.
  23. Use the grill to make burgers, hot dogs, or even a hobo dinner for quick on the go options.
  24. Stock that Pantry – make sure you have food on hand that when plans change you can whip up something quickly from what you have in your pantry. I keep tons of pasta and sauce, a variety of snacks (think goldfish, applesauce pouches, granola bars), canned veggies, and peanut butter and jelly.
  25. Team up with other moms or your family. Reach out to fellow team moms and see if they are willing to do a potluck on the field – everyone bring a dish to enjoy during or after the game or practice. Or if you have family in the area, reach out to them to see if they would be willing to host you for dinner – you get a meal and some much needed family time with no effort at all.

Meal Planner – & A Freebie!

Check out my meal planner available to download for free, below. I have made it available for your personal use. Nothing fancy, but super functional and customizable to your needs and family’s likes.

My planner and meal planner cheat sheet in action!

What is your go-to meal on busy nights?

I’d love to hear your ideas so leave me some of your suggestions and tricks in the comments!

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6 thoughts on “25 Amazing Tips for Dinner on Crazy Busy Nights”

  1. Wow; what a great and extensive list of ideas! Sometimes I just dread trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Love the meal planner, great idea! And thanks for sharing:)pinning to save!

    1. Hi Sophie! I agree – meal planning is a life saver and definitely a way that we keep our family eating healthy. Thanks for stopping by!

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