Family, Lifestyle, Planning

Make Your Own Cash Envelopes & A Giveaway!

The biggest game changer for our family budget was when we started using sinking funds and cash envelopes to better manage our money. If you don't know what a sinking fund is, it is a fund that you contribute money to over time for a future or recurring expense such as Christmas, holidays or birthdays.… Continue reading Make Your Own Cash Envelopes & A Giveaway!

Family, Lifestyle

How We Budget Using Cash Envelopes

One of the first things I did to work on my over spending was switching to a cash only budget. My husband and I were getting too used to swiping our cards leading to over-draft charges because we were not paying attention to our balances. It was frustrating and disheartening and led to a ton… Continue reading How We Budget Using Cash Envelopes